Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Day In The Life Starts Early...

I decided to tag along with Internet Marketing SuperStar Clyde Batton for one full day. Clyde Batton is the founder and co-creator of Purple Cowboy Marketing™ and also 997MakeMoneyNow™.

In this way I would be able to share with You exactly what a typical day is like for Clyde Batton who already has a successful Online Marketing Career.

Clyde Batton began by telling me that his day actually starts before he is even out of bed. "As soon as I AM aware of what I AM thinking....my day has begun. I want every moment of my day, as far as it is possible, to be about the right kinds of things".

He pointed to a piece of cardstock he had pasted to the ceiling above his bed saying. " Every day around here begins with the very same question....."

What Is The Highest Ideal Of Myself I Can Be Today?

With this thought in mind, Sam,Clyde and I suit-up for our workout and head for the backyard. On the way thru the kitchen, we stop and Clyde fixes us both a decadently wonderful cup of Gano Cafe Moca. This treat comes as a surprise to me because I AM sure that someone like Clyde Batton, who is into Health and Nutrition, Weight Loss and a rigorous work-out routine, would be severly restricting their caloric intake. In Clyde's own words he says:

"My Gano Cafe Moca....I cannot do without. I know it is 108 calories per cup but I don't care, I love it .......Gotta have my Mocha in the morning".

No Moca for Sam though......just a biscuit. Sam is Clyde's 110 German Shepard, whom You will meet in a moment.

Once outside in the backyard, we begin the practice of "Japa" meditation; a technique for quieting the mind which Clyde says he is learning from Dr. Wayne Dyer. More can be found on "Japa" in the Resources Section of the 997 Purple Cowboys Website under Success MindSet Training.

5:00-5:40 A.M. While Sam "does his business"......Clyde and I focus on our breathing and slowing down our brainwaves by taking in long slow deep breathes and making the "Japa" sound. It seems strange at first as we begin making these very low deep and rumbling "Ah" sounds, but very soon a calming sense of inner peace, tranquility and well-being comes over me as we continue doing the "Japa" sound together for about 30-40 minutes.

The actual goal of this daily practice, Clyde later told me is to quiet and to calm down the mind with its seemingly endless chatter of "internal dialogue". (See Dr. Phil McGraw's comments on Triple A Thinking and the "internal dialogue" for more.)

Once the mind has slowed down we begin to experience The Silence or the Gap between our thoughts. The experience of the Silence while in the Gap is an actual direct and personal contact with God. The Word of God is the Silence we experience between our thoughts while in the Gap.

This morning in the backyard, it being very early March in Chicago, it is "crispy cold" and very very quiet. There is a brisk kind of energy in the air and I find this morning routine with Clyde very exhilarating. 

Here I want You to meet Clyde's dog Sam. He is very much the Alpha Male, who likes to let everyone who passes near the backyard fence know, that he is definitely "large and in charge". Meet Sammy here in a rare moment, for it is not often that he will sit still for pics.

This morning , along with the "Japa";Clyde and I meditated on Psalms 127: "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it." and the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount: "But Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all else shall be added unto you." So........the "House" or "dwelling place" we are actually looking to build here is our own Consciousness. Our own awareness of Divine Spirit.

When Clyde begins speaking again it is in low softly spoken tones. He asks me as I now ask You..... "What do You/I have in my/your life today for which I/You can be truly grateful; mentioning how important it is to set some time aside each day for practicing an "attitude of gratitude".....a special time to just become aware of, to be Grateful for, to be thankful for all the bliss and blessings flowing daily into our lives.

Copyright 2008 Clyde Batton Purple Cowboy Marketing

1 comment:

The Purple Cowboy said...

What is this blog about. Can this guy help me make money on the Internet?