Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Mind Is Burning With Ideas.....

as I listen to the video No.1 A New Life In 30 Days! As I imagine what I will say when I speak with the people next Wednesday about the Save Our Community Project. OMG.....I just realized .... I AM in that workshop that Ester is talking about as I begin listening to No. 2 The Creation Workshop Exercise.

I remember the sound of M.J. singing in the middle of Man In The Mirror where he just keeps singing "Whoo Whoo, Whoo....over and over again and I AM getting really pumped up.

Listening to Ester about "collecting data",I start turning my life experiences, my lemons, into a lemonade.... a nectar of pure substance. The "stuff of my life" is becoming the elixir of my life. As I listen to No.3, the purpose for which I AM currently living and speaking is coming thru more clearly .

No.4 is all about getting clear about what "wanting" really is.

What I AM wanting is more money in my bank I'm now giving thought in the direction of what is wanted; which is.....MORE MONEY....but what the really powerful emotions I AM having are all about are thinking of what I will say to the people on next Wednesday when I make the Marketing Presentation about the Save Our Community Project. Oh yes.... I AM seeing those people writing $1K CHECKS on Wednesday.

She is saying..."from that point of being, You will attract more." Now friend..... as You listen to No. 4 really get Your head wrapped around that one and You truly will be the Creator of Your Experience.

The Power Of The One...... is a thought that keeps floating thru my mind:1. "get happy", she says in No. 5 then step 2. is to go into Your workshop. .....Bodily Conditions??? bodily conditions are great from the Yoga and having become a Vegan.....and now she's telling me to "discern exactly what it is that I want and then to act as tho' it is done."

Okay I'M Streaming ...I'M Streaming and the drum is beating!

So here I AM in my workshop looking for clarity and what it is that I want. I AM feeling great in a perfect state of health and now with No. 6 "Sister Ester" is telling me about my vortex and the ultimate experience of thriving....."consider it done ,my manager says....."

God that is powerful.

Imagine more dollars. I collected another $1K this A.M. without even thinking about it......but that's for the "Real Estate Project" and not for my bank account.....but hey wait a minute..... didn't I say I wanted people to be giving me $1K checks?.... well here it is.

Well I'll be.....I AM so grateful. Thank You Ester....Thank You God!!! ...Your comments are welcome.