Wednesday, April 23, 2008

In Clyde's Own Words

During my run I AM consciously running the way that "guy who earns $40K a month runs". During the entire run, I AM being that guy who earns all that money each month. You know we both run out of breath at about the same time. We both see it as a daily challenge and sometimes neither one of us wants to do it but......he always does it no matter what. He never gives up.

It is interesting....but I bet it feels the same when a "millionaire" is panting and out of breath as it does for a guy who is a "$40K a month-aire" and likewise the same for someone who is a "$2K a month-aire". So being this guy while I AM running is really easy because I know it feels exactly the You get my drift?

This is how we become.

Here I want to speak a bit about energy transference. For the most part, our experience of energy is that we somehow know it is there but rarely if ever; do we actually physically see energy. It is the "Infinite Invisible". I discovered that we human beings are freely exchanging this energy all the time. My last experience of this was on my morning run, when I decided that what I would do is play a little game with myself.

I decided: that I would get every single person I passed on the street to acknowledge me by waving or if they were in a car to wave or honk their horn. The interesting thing I noticed is that as I kept running along and smiling and speaking to everyone, I just kept getting more and more joyful and happy. As I kept laughing and waving to everybody as I ran along the street, just about every single person waved and smiled back......I even had a couple of drivers acknowledge me with a blast on their horn.

With that hand motion I was giving and receiving positive energy. The end result was I finished my run with even more energy than when I started. I got my energy from the people I acknowledged and waved to......I AM pretty sure they got something from me too.

The "Hello Factor" and the Transference Of Positive Energy......
that's what I call it and it is very simple to do ....... just wave and say hello to everyone You meet as they pass You by. You will be the recipient of so much positively charged energy. Energy beyond Your wildest dreams ..... this You can get just from a wave/smile.

6:50-7:15 A.M. By the time I return to my backyard gate I AM breathing really heavy and need to catch my breath. So I usually like to sit down in my little yellow lawnchair and decompress for a few minutes. I just kinda relax, settle in and begin imagining how great it feels being that guy who makes all that money
each week. I imagine the kinds of projects he is working on and the kinds of business people and artists he works with each week.

I imagine all the great people he meets each week and brings into his thriving NetWeb Marketing Business. I see him successfully leading huge seminars in hotel ballrooms packed with people who cheer when he comes on stage. I don't know why but this guy is always wearing a white suit with a great looking blue shirt.

This is my reverie and I do everything I need to do to get into the "feeling mode" of being that "$40K a month guy". I think like he does. Enjoy the kinds of things he likes to do, associate with the kinds of people he likes to "hang-out"with. I see myself wearing the kinds of clothes he likes to wear while driving the kinds of cars he likes to drive. This is not about DOING something special in order to one day be that guy. This is just about BEING that guy right now sitting here in my backyard in my little yellow 1957 lawnchair. After some rest it is time to do the Cardio stuff downstairs.

There Is Always More In Life To Be Grateful For Than What We Think Is Missing

Clyde Batton goes on to say that far too often people are focusing all of their energies and thoughts on what it is that seems to be amiss or lacking in their daily lives. That each one of us is so busy about the business of "Getting more of", "Having more of" and "Doing more of" those things we think will satisfy, that we miss out entirely on what he calls Your "inner purpose" or the "miracle of the moment" or that which is ......"nearer than breathing; closer than hands and feet."

He quickly reminds me as he begins expressing his own gratitude for all the people who have recently been coming into his life as a result of Purple Cowboy Marketing™ and how important it is to recognize the opportunity "to serve"; that I too have a lot to be grateful for and thankful for, and that I should probably give my son and grandchildren in California a call. So much to be thankful for much love to share.

Clyde Batton goes on to say that this is so important for him that he actually keeps a daily "Thankfulness Diary" in which he writes down each day what it is that he has in his life to be thankful for. "The experience of abundance and true wealth in your life starts with a practiced awareness of what it is that You already have" he says,"a realization that as individual manifestations of Divine Spirit, we each already possess within our Consciousness every possiblilty that could ever exist."

Clyde can see that I AM somewhat confused with this and just smiles as he goes on with his "gratitude stuff."

"I try to send a blessing each day to every single person who has a picture on our website" he says, talking about the Purple Cowboys......."That way I can focus on them and just be a mirror in which they can begin to see their own divinity and just how magnificent and capable they each already are."

I AM beginning to realize that there is a lot more to this "SuperStar Stuff" than I at first imagined.

I do my best not to get too hung up on "religious stuff" as I feel that everyone has their own take on that one...but everyone who does Network Marketing for any length of time soon realizes that Marketing is really an Inwardly Spiritual kind of Journey heading in the direction of One's Own Personal Growth.

We Are All Finding Our Own Way To The Truth.

5:45-6:00 A.M. During this quiet time of the morning...with Sammy running around in the backyard, Clyde Batton takes a few notes on what he says is "coming thru" as the mind is almost never cluttered at this time of day and good ideas flow easily. He goes on to say that the "Infinite Invisible" is always supplying answers and that without writing them down they are quickly forgotten.....he also mentions focusing on his "mental rehearsal" techniques which he promises to explain to me in greater detail later.

6:00-6:30 A.M. After the meditation quiet time, it is time to get physical. Clyde is into strenuous physical exercise and since I consider myself a bit overweight and am going to "keep up" with this old guy today.......I agree to do everything that he does. We begin with something a bit strenuous .....we Jump Rope.We jump 500 x's in sets of 100 each just barely catching our breath between each set. (If you look closely you can see the shadow of the rope Clyde is jumping in this pic.) This is an extremely good cardio-vascular work-out routine. I AM thoroughly winded and bent over double by the time we finish.

6:30-6:50 A.M. Affirming the Intention For The Day.

Immediately following the rope work, we set out on a run around the 8 city-block radius (this is about 1 1/4 miles which Clyde says he is gradually extending as he gets his "wind up" and loses more weight.) Just before we take off on the run, Clyde stands in the middle of the alley way behind his house and Affirms Our Intention for the Day. He says it helps him to set the tone for the entire day.

Going on to clarify he says that, "Since my consciousness also includes how I inwardly see myself and believe myself to be; I set the tone for the entire day with the following affirmation:

"It is my intention and I now choose to relax and have fun building my business. I AM happily and gratefully now receiving $40K or more easily and effortlessly each and every 30 days. Life for me is great and I AM glad now that money flows easily and frequently to me and to my team thru my Coaching and Mentoring Services, Music Production, Online Wealth Producing Programs, Internet Marketing, Education and Teamwork."(I Am impressed and begin to comment but he goes on....)

"I now choose to relax and love myself completely.....and my body now releasing to my ideal "self-image"and weight of 160 pounds feels great. When I look in the mirror, I see a "38 year old man" with jet black hair, perfect 20x20 "inner vision", "Pecs and Abs" to die for, who now weighs 160 pounds and is an Internet Marketing Genius." (Clyde is certainly not modest.....I think to myself as he gasps for air and continues.)

"With every breath I AM liberating myself from my past by releasing all doubts, fears, pain, blame, shame, guilt and anger, resentment and resignation as I lend forgiveness to myself and others and detach from my Ego, as I choose now to relax and align with this intention as my new reality or something even better".(Phew now that was something....I AM already tired just listening. I wonder how long it took him to memorize that thing?)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Day In The Life Starts Early...

I decided to tag along with Internet Marketing SuperStar Clyde Batton for one full day. Clyde Batton is the founder and co-creator of Purple Cowboy Marketing™ and also 997MakeMoneyNow™.

In this way I would be able to share with You exactly what a typical day is like for Clyde Batton who already has a successful Online Marketing Career.

Clyde Batton began by telling me that his day actually starts before he is even out of bed. "As soon as I AM aware of what I AM day has begun. I want every moment of my day, as far as it is possible, to be about the right kinds of things".

He pointed to a piece of cardstock he had pasted to the ceiling above his bed saying. " Every day around here begins with the very same question....."

What Is The Highest Ideal Of Myself I Can Be Today?

With this thought in mind, Sam,Clyde and I suit-up for our workout and head for the backyard. On the way thru the kitchen, we stop and Clyde fixes us both a decadently wonderful cup of Gano Cafe Moca. This treat comes as a surprise to me because I AM sure that someone like Clyde Batton, who is into Health and Nutrition, Weight Loss and a rigorous work-out routine, would be severly restricting their caloric intake. In Clyde's own words he says:

"My Gano Cafe Moca....I cannot do without. I know it is 108 calories per cup but I don't care, I love it .......Gotta have my Mocha in the morning".

No Moca for Sam though......just a biscuit. Sam is Clyde's 110 German Shepard, whom You will meet in a moment.

Once outside in the backyard, we begin the practice of "Japa" meditation; a technique for quieting the mind which Clyde says he is learning from Dr. Wayne Dyer. More can be found on "Japa" in the Resources Section of the 997 Purple Cowboys Website under Success MindSet Training.

5:00-5:40 A.M. While Sam "does his business"......Clyde and I focus on our breathing and slowing down our brainwaves by taking in long slow deep breathes and making the "Japa" sound. It seems strange at first as we begin making these very low deep and rumbling "Ah" sounds, but very soon a calming sense of inner peace, tranquility and well-being comes over me as we continue doing the "Japa" sound together for about 30-40 minutes.

The actual goal of this daily practice, Clyde later told me is to quiet and to calm down the mind with its seemingly endless chatter of "internal dialogue". (See Dr. Phil McGraw's comments on Triple A Thinking and the "internal dialogue" for more.)

Once the mind has slowed down we begin to experience The Silence or the Gap between our thoughts. The experience of the Silence while in the Gap is an actual direct and personal contact with God. The Word of God is the Silence we experience between our thoughts while in the Gap.

This morning in the backyard, it being very early March in Chicago, it is "crispy cold" and very very quiet. There is a brisk kind of energy in the air and I find this morning routine with Clyde very exhilarating. 

Here I want You to meet Clyde's dog Sam. He is very much the Alpha Male, who likes to let everyone who passes near the backyard fence know, that he is definitely "large and in charge". Meet Sammy here in a rare moment, for it is not often that he will sit still for pics.

This morning , along with the "Japa";Clyde and I meditated on Psalms 127: "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it." and the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount: "But Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all else shall be added unto you." So........the "House" or "dwelling place" we are actually looking to build here is our own Consciousness. Our own awareness of Divine Spirit.

When Clyde begins speaking again it is in low softly spoken tones. He asks me as I now ask You..... "What do You/I have in my/your life today for which I/You can be truly grateful; mentioning how important it is to set some time aside each day for practicing an "attitude of gratitude".....a special time to just become aware of, to be Grateful for, to be thankful for all the bliss and blessings flowing daily into our lives.

Copyright 2008 Clyde Batton Purple Cowboy Marketing