Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Strawberry Smoothie Recovery Drink

7:20-7:30 A.M. Back into the kitchen for my Strawberry Smoothie Drink. If I don't have any left over I will take time to make it. This is my energy drink I use thru-out the day. 2 Oranges cut up go into my Osterizer Blender along with, 3 Bananas and 1/3 of a bag of frozen Strawberries. I add 16 oz. of water to blend it all together. As it is blending I add one pac of Gano Cafe Classic and shake some ground cinnamon on top. When I've got it all working together, I add two trays of ice cubes and it becomes my Smoothies Drink. And now it's downstairs to get the Cardio happening.

Albert Ibanez was a Spanish composer who wrote a beautiful piece of music for two guitars called Granada which is part of his Suite Espanol. I turn on my CD player and begin listening as I commence my Cardio-Vascular Workout. This is also a visualization and breathing exercise. I work with a 50 lb barbell and 10 lb dumb bells for these exercises. You can watch the first video on the right to see most of this routine. I also focus on the Theatre Of The Mind DreamBoard You will see below to mentally picture those "Pecs and Abs to Die For" I keep talking about.

Cardio WorkOut Routine

50 lb Barbell Exercises

Shoulder Curls for Abs......25 sets
Left Side for Abs.............25 x's
Right Side for Abs............25 x's
Knee Bends....................25 x's
Overhead Lifts................10 sets
Floor to Chest Lifts..........25 x's
Backward Lifts................25 sets
Front Shoulder Curls........10 x's
20 lb Barbell Exercises

Overhead Lifts.................25 sets
Forearm Curls for Biceps....25 sets
Shoulder Suspension.......25 counts
Boxer Jabs......................25 sets
Left Side Curls for Abs......25 x's
Right Side Curls for Abs.....25 x's

StairSteps .....4 sets of 25 each

PushUps and SitUps 10 sets of 10 each
Bench Press Exercises for the 40+ Males

(Prostrate Exercises)
3 Sets with a 50 Count Each.....See Video Below

50 lb Bench Presses.....10 sets 15x's each

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Oh Boy Wait'il Ya See What's Coming Up Next!!

With each of the above routines, I first "mentally practice" doing the routine. I first see the exercise in my Mind's Eye. Once I complete that then I actually do each routine, so I have in effect done each of these exercises 2x's. As I "mentally rehearse" each exercise I actually envision in my mind the muscle group that particular exercise is focusing on.

What we are seeking here is definition which will happen first on the mental/emotional plane and then later actually manifest as real change in the way my body actually shows up on the physical plane. So in my mind, instead of seeing this pudgy 59 year old guy with a round belly.....

I see this 38 year old "hunk" with jet black hair, lying on a beach somewhere with a beautiful tan and a "six-pack" to die for.This is all part of my "mental rehearsal" which is creating a new "level of mind" that my brain will begin to identify with and start to wire up as a new neural network.

I was not really getting an actual mental picture at first but surprisingly after just a couple of days I began to see myself on stage in the Theatre of The Mind actually doing the work and looking exactly the way I AM IMAGING myself to be.

This newly formed mental picture of myself will then be utilized in the Theatre of the Mind as an "embodied image" and action scenario when I begin to play and act out the part of the person I AM Becoming. This in turn will cause me to start to think and act as though I AM actually that 38 year old with the "six-pac" to die for instead of this 59 year old who currently looks more like a keg of beer.

Not Quite a 6-pac Yet!

Eventually this new self-concept....this new mental picture of myself will be accepted as the true "me" and my body will be directed by my brain to start to look the part for it will need to conform to the way my Mind's Eye sees things.

This by the way is the whole secret behind IMAGING. You can never be successful in changing if you continue to hold on to the old Image of Your Self I mean how you mentally and psychologically see yourself.

For Example:
If I AM fat and want to lose weight.....I must first begin to see myself as the slender human being I intend to become. I have pictures of 6-pac abs thru out my house to constantly remind me of the new physical self-image I AM Becoming. It will not be long before my subconscious mind begins to accept the "Mental Rehearsal Image" of myself I AM envisioning. I must also start "to act out" the part. When I walk now....I walk the way a 160 pound man walks....not some guy who is overweight and waddling around carrying a spare tire around his waist.

Now don't get me wrong.....I Love myself for exactly the way I AM right now....and I accept my desire to change as that part of my consciousness which chooses to express itself as a 160 pound man experiencing perfect health and wellness.....wholeness (holiness) and completeness.

SideBar: I actually stopped myself from popping a bowl of popcorn at 1:00 AM and loading it down with melted butter with a voice that asked me......"Now would a 160 pound man who knew he was going to be working out in the morning at 7:00 AM be scarfing down popcorn with butter at 1:00 AM?......Go to bed now and get some sleep."

So when I AM walking....I AM someone who already weighs 160 pounds. The "Mental Rehearsal Image" is coming now in flashes and is part of my meditation thru out the day. I can't hold the image long yet but when I see is clear. I can actually see myself sitting on my bench press machine looking the way I want with those 6-pac abs and pecs.

As I continue to build my "mental rehearsal" scenarios I will add more and more scenes and activities of me Being, Doing and Having exactly what I want to BE DO and HAVE in my life. So when all is said and done...losing weight or releasing the weight has almost nothing to do with the weight and everything to do with "letting go" of and releasing the old and familiar pictures I have been holding of myself.

By acknowledging daily that in fact I AM "new to myself on this day." Every day in the mirror I see the new man emerging. What a gas this is!! And there is even more coming!!

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