Thursday, October 8, 2009

What Is America's No. 1 Addiction

Hey Folks.........

I bet You don't know what America's No. 1 Addiction is!

Now before You go making up stuff about the Purple Cowboy talking about drugs and all that kind of stuff; ClikHere and see for Yourself......because You are probably hooked on it too!

Be sure and clik on the Video called The Wisdom Of The Dogon.....I guarantee You will be surprised to hear what Julian T. Nettles Bey has to say.

A Day In The Life Of An Internet Marketing SuperStar#links#links#links#links

A Day In The Life Of An Internet Marketing SuperStar#links#links#links#links

Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Mind Is Burning With Ideas.....

as I listen to the video No.1 A New Life In 30 Days! As I imagine what I will say when I speak with the people next Wednesday about the Save Our Community Project. OMG.....I just realized .... I AM in that workshop that Ester is talking about as I begin listening to No. 2 The Creation Workshop Exercise.

I remember the sound of M.J. singing in the middle of Man In The Mirror where he just keeps singing "Whoo Whoo, Whoo....over and over again and I AM getting really pumped up.

Listening to Ester about "collecting data",I start turning my life experiences, my lemons, into a lemonade.... a nectar of pure substance. The "stuff of my life" is becoming the elixir of my life. As I listen to No.3, the purpose for which I AM currently living and speaking is coming thru more clearly .

No.4 is all about getting clear about what "wanting" really is.

What I AM wanting is more money in my bank I'm now giving thought in the direction of what is wanted; which is.....MORE MONEY....but what the really powerful emotions I AM having are all about are thinking of what I will say to the people on next Wednesday when I make the Marketing Presentation about the Save Our Community Project. Oh yes.... I AM seeing those people writing $1K CHECKS on Wednesday.

She is saying..."from that point of being, You will attract more." Now friend..... as You listen to No. 4 really get Your head wrapped around that one and You truly will be the Creator of Your Experience.

The Power Of The One...... is a thought that keeps floating thru my mind:1. "get happy", she says in No. 5 then step 2. is to go into Your workshop. .....Bodily Conditions??? bodily conditions are great from the Yoga and having become a Vegan.....and now she's telling me to "discern exactly what it is that I want and then to act as tho' it is done."

Okay I'M Streaming ...I'M Streaming and the drum is beating!

So here I AM in my workshop looking for clarity and what it is that I want. I AM feeling great in a perfect state of health and now with No. 6 "Sister Ester" is telling me about my vortex and the ultimate experience of thriving....."consider it done ,my manager says....."

God that is powerful.

Imagine more dollars. I collected another $1K this A.M. without even thinking about it......but that's for the "Real Estate Project" and not for my bank account.....but hey wait a minute..... didn't I say I wanted people to be giving me $1K checks?.... well here it is.

Well I'll be.....I AM so grateful. Thank You Ester....Thank You God!!! ...Your comments are welcome.